39 rows
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Suggested facets: Sender, Receiver, Date, Keywords
Link | rowid ▼ | subject_id | priority | Page | Sender | Receiver | Date | Keywords |
1 | 1 | 84319109 | 1 | 16020.1 | Phineas Pemberton | William Markham | March 22, 1696 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
2 | 2 | 84319110 | 2 | 16020.2 | Phineas Pemberton | William Markham | March 22, 1696 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
3 | 3 | 84319111 | 3 | 16022.1 | Phineas Pemberton | John Scott and others | May 25, 1696 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
4 | 4 | 84319112 | 4 | 16022.2 | Phineas Pemberton | John Scott and others | May 25, 1696 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
5 | 5 | 84319113 | 5 | 16024.1 | Phineas Pemberton | [John Askew] | August 10, 1696 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network, trade, travel |
6 | 6 | 84319114 | 6 | 16024.2 | Phineas Pemberton | [John Askew] | August 10, 1696 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network, trade, travel |
7 | 7 | 84319115 | 7 | 16032.1 | Ralph Brock | Phineas Pemberton | March 10, 1697 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
8 | 8 | 84319116 | 8 | 16032.2 | Ralph Brock | Phineas Pemberton | March 10, 1697 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
9 | 9 | 84319117 | 9 | 16032.3 | Ralph Brock | Phineas Pemberton | March 10, 1697 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
10 | 10 | 84319118 | 10 | 16044.1 | Mary Pike | George Heathcote | March 30, 1697 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network, Barbados |
11 | 11 | 84319119 | 11 | 16044.2 | Mary Pike | George Heathcote | March 30, 1697 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network, Barbados |
12 | 12 | 84319120 | 12 | 16051.1 | Abraham Ogden | Phineas Pemberton | November 8, 1697 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
13 | 13 | 84319121 | 13 | 16051.2 | Abraham Ogden | Phineas Pemberton | November 8, 1697 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
14 | 14 | 84319122 | 14 | 16071.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Samuel Carpenter | December 19, 1700 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
15 | 15 | 84319123 | 15 | 16071.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Samuel Carpenter | December 19, 1700 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
16 | 16 | 84319124 | 16 | 16072.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Patrick Robinson | January 18, 1701 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network, Quaker business |
17 | 17 | 84319125 | 17 | 16072.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Patrick Robinson | January 18, 1701 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network, Quaker business |
18 | 18 | 84319126 | 18 | 16077.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Israel Pemberton | December 19, 1701 | Society of Friends, social network, Quaker business, trade |
19 | 19 | 84319127 | 19 | 16077.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Israel Pemberton | December 19, 1701 | Society of Friends, social network, Quaker business, trade |
20 | 20 | 84319128 | 20 | 16085.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Ralph Pemberton | November 25, 1680 | Society of Friends, Quakers, social network |
21 | 21 | 84319129 | 21 | 16085.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Ralph Pemberton | November 25, 1680 | Society of Friends, Quakers, social network |
22 | 22 | 84319130 | 22 | 16089.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Ralph Pemberton | November 12, 1680 | Quakers, social network, Quaker business |
23 | 23 | 84319131 | 23 | 16089.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Ralph Pemberton | November 12, 1680 | Quakers, social network, Quaker business |
24 | 24 | 84319132 | 24 | 16100.1 | Roger Longworth | James Harrison | May 17, 1681 | persecution, Society of Friends, Quakers, social network |
25 | 25 | 84319133 | 25 | 16100.2 | Roger Longworth | James Harrison | May 17, 1681 | persecution, Society of Friends, Quakers, social network |
26 | 26 | 84319134 | 26 | 16109.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Phebe Pemberton | July 12, 1681 | Quakers, social network, material culture, Quaker business, travel, migration |
27 | 27 | 84319135 | 27 | 16109.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Phebe Pemberton | July 12, 1681 | Quakers, social network, material culture, Quaker business, travel, migration |
28 | 28 | 84319136 | 28 | 16128.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Ralph Pemberton | May 14, 1682 | Society of Friends, Quakers, social network, Quaker business |
29 | 29 | 84319137 | 29 | 16128.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Ralph Pemberton | May 14, 1682 | Society of Friends, Quakers, social network, Quaker business |
30 | 30 | 84319138 | 30 | 16148.1 | William Gibson | Phineas Pemberton | August 11 1682, | Society of Friends, Quakers, social network, Quaker business |
31 | 31 | 84319139 | 31 | 16148.2 | William Gibson | Phineas Pemberton | August 11 1682, | Society of Friends, Quakers, social network, Quaker business |
32 | 32 | 84319140 | 32 | 16155.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Ralph Pemberton via William [Southhert] | January 30, 1683 | Society of Friends, Quakers, social network |
33 | 33 | 84319141 | 33 | 16155.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Ralph Pemberton via William [Southhert] | January 30, 1683 | Society of Friends, Quakers, social network |
34 | 34 | 84319142 | 34 | 16160.1 | Margery Vosse and Richard Mather | Ralph Pemberton | June 18, 1683 | Society of Friends, Quakers, social network |
35 | 35 | 84319143 | 35 | 16160.2 | Margery Vosse and Richard Mather | Ralph Pemberton | June 18, 1683 | Society of Friends, Quakers, social network |
36 | 36 | 84319144 | 36 | 16174.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Alice Hodgson Pemberton | February 24, 1698 | Society of Friends, Quakers, social network |
37 | 37 | 84319145 | 37 | 16174.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Alice Hodgson Pemberton | February 24, 1698 | Society of Friends, Quakers, social network |
38 | 38 | 84319146 | 38 | 16184.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Israel Pemberton and Samuel Carpenter | November 26, 1701 | Society of Friends, Quakers, social network |
39 | 39 | 84319147 | 39 | 16184.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Israel Pemberton and Samuel Carpenter | November 26, 1701 | Society of Friends, Quakers, social network |
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JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE TABLE "111064" ( [subject_id] INTEGER, [priority] INTEGER, [Page] FLOAT, [Sender] TEXT, [Receiver] TEXT, [Date] TEXT, [Keywords] TEXT );