47 rows
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Suggested facets: Sender, Receiver, Date, Keywords
Link | rowid ▼ | subject_id | priority | Page | Sender | Receiver | Date | Keywords |
1 | 1 | 84318956 | 1 | 15910.1 | Henry Haydock | Lydia Wharmby | September 3, 1686 | Quakers, Society of Friends, Finances, Financial records |
2 | 2 | 84318957 | 2 | 15910.2 | Henry Haydock | Lydia Wharmby | September 3, 1686 | Quakers, Society of Friends, Finances, Financial records |
3 | 3 | 84318958 | 3 | 15922.1 | Roger Longworth | Phineas Pemberton | December 28, 1684 | Falls Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Raritan, Elizabeth Town New Jersey, New Jersey, Quakers, Society of Friends |
4 | 4 | 84318959 | 4 | 15922.2 | Roger Longworth | Phineas Pemberton | December 28, 1684 | Falls Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Raritan, Elizabeth Town New Jersey, New Jersey, Quakers, Society of Friends |
5 | 5 | 84318960 | 5 | 15923.1 | James Harrison | Abraham Ogden | November 15, 1684 | Quakers, Society of Friends |
6 | 6 | 84318961 | 6 | 15923.2 | James Harrison | Abraham Ogden | November 15, 1684 | Quakers, Society of Friends |
7 | 7 | 84318962 | 7 | 15927.1 | Roger Longworth | [July 1684] | Quaker, Society of Friends, travel, missionary work, convincement | |
8 | 8 | 84318963 | 8 | 15927.2 | Roger Longworth | [July 1684] | Quaker, Society of Friends, travel, missionary work, convincement | |
9 | 9 | 84318964 | 9 | 15929.1 | John Harwood | James Harrison | July 12, 1684 | Quakers, Society of Friends |
10 | 10 | 84318965 | 10 | 15929.2 | John Harwood | James Harrison | July 12, 1684 | Quakers, Society of Friends |
11 | 11 | 84318966 | 11 | 15934.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Phebe Pemberton | August 7, 1680 | Quakers, social network, Quaker business, trade |
12 | 12 | 84318967 | 12 | 15934.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Phebe Pemberton | August 7, 1680 | Quakers, social network, Quaker business, trade |
13 | 13 | 84318968 | 13 | 15936.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Phebe Pemberton | August 12, 1680 | Society of Friends, Quakers, social network |
14 | 14 | 84318969 | 14 | 15936.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Phebe Pemberton | August 12, 1680 | Society of Friends, Quakers, social network |
15 | 15 | 84318970 | 15 | 15943.1 | Roger Longworth | Phineas Pemberton | November 3, 1683 | Quaker, Society of Friends, missionary work, trade, travel |
16 | 16 | 84318971 | 16 | 15943.2 | Roger Longworth | Phineas Pemberton | November 3, 1683 | Quaker, Society of Friends, missionary work, trade, travel |
17 | 17 | 84318972 | 17 | 15958.1 | Robert Turner | James Harrison | November 3, 1686 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network, Quaker business, trade |
18 | 18 | 84318973 | 18 | 15958.2 | Robert Turner | James Harrison | November 3, 1686 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network, Quaker business, trade |
19 | 19 | 84318974 | 19 | 15962.1 | Peter Hendricks | Roger Longworth via Thomas Atherton | November 13, 1686 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
20 | 20 | 84318975 | 20 | 15962.2 | Peter Hendricks | Roger Longworth via Thomas Atherton | November 13, 1686 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
21 | 21 | 84318976 | 21 | 15963.1 | Alexander Parker | James Harrison | November 20, 1686 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
22 | 22 | 84318977 | 22 | 15963.2 | Alexander Parker | James Harrison | November 20, 1686 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
23 | 23 | 84318978 | 23 | 15967.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Phebe Pemberton | September 7, 1680 | Quakers, social network, travel, Missionary work |
24 | 24 | 84318979 | 24 | 15967.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Phebe Pemberton | September 7, 1680 | Quakers, social network, travel, Missionary work |
25 | 25 | 84318980 | 25 | 15995.1 | William Ingram | Phineas Pemberton | August 8, 1688 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
26 | 26 | 84318981 | 26 | 15995.2 | William Ingram | Phineas Pemberton | August 8, 1688 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
27 | 27 | 84318982 | 27 | 16001.1 | Phineas Pemberton | William Biles via John Town | March 30, 1695 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
28 | 28 | 84318983 | 28 | 16001.2 | Phineas Pemberton | William Biles via John Town | March 30, 1695 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
29 | 29 | 84318984 | 29 | 16004.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Phebe Pemberton | April 12, 1695 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
30 | 30 | 84318985 | 30 | 16004.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Phebe Pemberton | April 12, 1695 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
31 | 31 | 84318986 | 31 | 16008.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Phebe Pemberton | May 23, 1695 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
32 | 32 | 84318987 | 32 | 16008.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Phebe Pemberton | May 23, 1695 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
33 | 33 | 84318988 | 33 | 16009.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Phebe Pemberton | May 28, 1695 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
34 | 34 | 84318989 | 34 | 16009.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Phebe Pemberton | May 28, 1695 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
35 | 35 | 84318990 | 35 | 16019.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Jacob Hall | February 28, 1696 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
36 | 36 | 84318991 | 36 | 16019.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Jacob Hall | February 28, 1696 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
37 | 37 | 84318992 | 37 | 16038.1 | Robert Haydock | Phineas Pemberton | April 7, 1697 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
38 | 38 | 84318993 | 38 | 16038.2 | Robert Haydock | Phineas Pemberton | April 7, 1697 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
39 | 39 | 84318994 | 39 | 16040.1 | Samuel Jennings | Phineas Pemberton | May 1, 1697 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
40 | 40 | 84318995 | 40 | 16040.2 | Samuel Jennings | Phineas Pemberton | May 1, 1697 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
41 | 41 | 84318996 | 41 | 16056.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Alice Hodgson Pemberton | February 14, 1698 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
42 | 42 | 84318997 | 42 | 16056.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Alice Hodgson Pemberton | February 14, 1698 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
43 | 43 | 84318998 | 43 | 16063.0 | Phineas Pemberton | Alice Hodgson Pemberton | June 5, 1700 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
44 | 44 | 84318999 | 44 | 16066.1 | Friends of the Rhode Island Meeting | Daniel Gould, Matthew Gould and John Easton, Phineas Pemberton | August 31, 1700 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
45 | 45 | 84319000 | 45 | 16066.2 | Friends of the Rhode Island Meeting | Daniel Gould, Matthew Gould and John Easton, Phineas Pemberton | August 31, 1700 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
46 | 46 | 84319001 | 46 | 16067.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Israel Pemberton | October 18, 1700 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
47 | 47 | 84319002 | 47 | 16067.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Israel Pemberton | October 18, 1700 | Quakers, Society of Friends, social network |
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JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE TABLE "111060" ( [subject_id] INTEGER, [priority] INTEGER, [Page] FLOAT, [Sender] TEXT, [Receiver] TEXT, [Date] TEXT, [Keywords] TEXT );