12 rows
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Suggested facets: Sender, Receiver, Date, Keywords
Link | rowid ▼ | subject_id | priority | Page | Sender | Receiver | Date | Keywords |
1 | 1 | 84318824 | 1 | 15820.1 | Phebe Pemberton | Phineas Pemberton | August 27, 1678 | Husband and wife, family, communication |
2 | 2 | 84318825 | 2 | 15820.2 | Phebe Pemberton | Phineas Pemberton | August 27, 1678 | Husband and wife, family, communication |
3 | 3 | 84318826 | 3 | 15853.1 | Phebe Pemberton | Phineas Pemberton | August 20, 1679 | Family, communication, husband and wife |
4 | 4 | 84318827 | 4 | 15853.2 | Phebe Pemberton | Phineas Pemberton | August 20, 1679 | Family, communication, husband and wife |
5 | 5 | 84318828 | 5 | 16003.1 | Phineas Pemberton | Phebe Pemberton | April 4, 1695 | Estate management, family life |
6 | 6 | 84318829 | 6 | 16003.2 | Phineas Pemberton | Phebe Pemberton | April 4, 1695 | Estate management, family life |
7 | 7 | 84318830 | 7 | 16110.1 | Dulciebella Browne | Phebe Pemberton | 1681 | Family, Friends, network, communication, health |
8 | 8 | 84318831 | 8 | 16110.2 | Dulciebella Browne | Phebe Pemberton | 1681 | Family, Friends, network, communication, health |
9 | 9 | 84318832 | 9 | 16124.1 | Jane Yardley | Ann Harrison | April 17, 1682 | Faith, family, friendship, rememberance |
10 | 10 | 84318833 | 10 | 16124.2 | Jane Yardley | Ann Harrison | April 17, 1682 | Faith, family, friendship, rememberance |
11 | 11 | 84318834 | 11 | 16179.1 | Margaret Cooke | Phineas Pemberton | August 3, 1700 | Communication, network, deeds |
12 | 12 | 84318835 | 12 | 16179.2 | Margaret Cooke | Phineas Pemberton | August 3, 1700 | Communication, network, deeds |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE TABLE "111056" ( [subject_id] INTEGER, [priority] INTEGER, [Page] FLOAT, [Sender] TEXT, [Receiver] TEXT, [Date] TEXT, [Keywords] TEXT );