10 rows
This data as json, CSV (advanced)
Suggested facets: Item, Notes, #Hazard, Condition, Photographer, #Other Number, picture_agency, Problematic_Language, Notes on Problematic Language
Link | rowid ▼ | subject_id | Item | Notes | folder | image1 | image2 | #Hazard | Oversize | group_id | Condition | internal_id | part_number | Photographer | #Other Number | picture_agency | Sensitive_Image | Problematic_Language | Notes on Problematic Language |
1 | 1 | 87892450 | Photograph | West Indies|Misc - 'SUN' Contacts on Caribbean Cruise - Feb 1965 | SMG00443603_0001.jpg | SMG00443603_0002.jpg | None | N | test1 | 1 - Good | SMG00443603 | 93994 | Mirror Pix | N | N | ||||
2 | 2 | 87892452 | Photograph | Article on back about Steel Drums. Stamped 'Daily Herald 28 July 1951'. | West Indies|Misc | SMG00443623_0001.jpg | SMG00443623_0002.jpg | None | N | test1 | 1 - Good | SMG00443623 | 94014 | Associated Press | N | N | |||
3 | 3 | 87892455 | Photograph | "Coloured People" in Britain|Riots and Demonstrations (Including Notting Hill 1958)|Folder 2 | SMG00443760_0001.jpg | SMG00443760_0002.jpg | None | N | test1 | 1 - Good | SMG00443760 | 94151 | Finnigan, | Daily Herald | N | N | |||
4 | 4 | 87892456 | Photograph | Medical|Nurses - Foreign, "Coloured", etc. | SMG00444177_0001.jpg | SMG00444177_0002.jpg | None | N | test1 | 1 - Good | SMG00444177 | 94568 | Warner, Gerry | Daily Herald | N | N | |||
5 | 5 | 87892458 | Photograph | "Coloured People" in Britain|Mixed Marriages | SMG00443860_0001.jpg | SMG00443860_0002.jpg | None | N | test1 | 1 - Good | SMG00443860 | 94251 | The People/Sunday People | N | N | ||||
6 | 6 | 87892461 | Photograph | "Coloured" People in Britain|Pro and Anti "Colour" Orgns; Leagues, etc. | SMG00444111_0001.jpg | SMG00444111_0002.jpg | None | N | test1 | 1 - Good | SMG00444111 | 94502 | None | N | Y | Outdated racist language and swastika symbol | |||
7 | 7 | 87892462 | Photograph | "Coloured" People in Britain|Folder 1 | SMG00443828_0001.jpg | SMG00443828_0002.jpg | None | N | test1 | 1 - Good | SMG00443828 | 94219 | None | N | N | ||||
8 | 8 | 87892464 | Document | 1 Letter 2 pages long | "Coloured People" in Britain|Riots and Demonstrations (Including Notting Hill 1958)|Folder 1 | SMG00443712_0001.jpg | SMG00443712_0002.jpg | None | N | test1 | 1 - Good | SMG00443712 | 94103 | 1983-5036/15864/2 | Daily Herald | N | N | ||
9 | 9 | 87892466 | Photograph | Features women waiting to emigrate | West Indies|Jamaica - Misc | SMG00443785_0001.jpg | SMG00443785_0002.jpg | None | N | test1 | SMG00443785 | 94176 | Burton, Ron | Daily Herald | N | N | |||
10 | 10 | 87892467 | Photograph | Post War|Immigration_West Indies|Jamaica to England | SMG00443870_0001.jpg | SMG00443870_0002.jpg | none | N | test1 | 1 - Good | SMG00443870 | 94261 | NMP1204/21 | PA Reuters (PAR) | N | N |
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JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE TABLE "proj_21084" ( [subject_id] INTEGER, [Item] TEXT, [Notes] TEXT, [folder] TEXT, [image1] TEXT, [image2] TEXT, [#Hazard] TEXT, [Oversize] TEXT, [group_id] TEXT, [Condition] TEXT, [internal_id] TEXT, [part_number] INTEGER, [Photographer] TEXT, [#Other Number] TEXT, [picture_agency] TEXT, [Sensitive_Image] TEXT, [Problematic_Language] TEXT, [Notes on Problematic Language] TEXT );